About the wallpaper printing history – Surface Printing
After the invention of the first wallpaper printing machine in the 18th century, the four colour Surface Print machine was invented by the English in 1839. It used wooden rollers as the medium to put pattern onto paper. These machines automated the process of wallpaper printing but making the printing rollers was still a skilled hand craft.
Wallpaper Pattern
The pattern was designed and transferred to rollers by the method known as ムputting onメ by a wallpaper draughtsman. The necessary skill to translate a design from paper to roller required many years of training.
Making The Printing Rollers
The work involved outlining every image of each colour, resulting in separate tracings. An individual roller was made for each colour. The detail was then cut out of the wooden roller by the ムcutterメ leaving the raised pattern for printing.
To create very fine detail, copper and brass pieces were pre-bent and then driven into the wooden core. Specially made felt was used to fill outlines to create broad shapes.
One roller could take many months to make using hand held tools, often by women.
Courtesy of Parable workshop
Ten available – Priced individually
H590mm approx x W160mm approx
Available to view at
21 Ariki Street
Grey Lynn, Auckland
Phone: 09 360 9858 or 027 414 0081
Appointment hours:
Mon - Fri: 10am ~ 6pm
Sat: On Request
Ten available – Priced individually
H590mm approx x W160mm approx
21 Ariki Street
Grey Lynn, Auckland
Phone: 09 360 9858
Mobile: 027 414 0081
Mon – Fri: 10am ~ 6pm
Sat: On Request
Viewing by appointment
Mon-Fri: 10am- 6pm
Saturday : by request
Sunday: Closed
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