A – Eastern European burnished silver gilt pricket candlestick c.1840 – 1870. Hand carved and gilded, the candlestick has a sturdy trefoil base. There is also an original drip pan for candle wax.
$1,750.00 – H780mm x W190mm – 23EA133
B – Eastern European burnished silver gilt candlestick c.1840 – 1870. Hand carved and gilded, the candlestick has a sturdy trefoil base with a candle holder. There is also an original drip pan for candle wax.
$1,450.00 – H630mm x W170mm – 23EA134
C – A single 18th century Italian pricket candlestick in faded gilt and paint (on all sides). Hand carved, circa 1780, the candlestick has a sturdy tripod base with an oval cartouche, and is adorned with acanthus leaves and a long carved decorative stem.
$2,200.00 – H735mm x W240mm – 23EA103
D – A pair of late 18th century Italian pricket candlesticks in dirty gilt.Hand carved, circa 1780, the candlesticks have a sturdy tripod base with three feet, and are adorned with acanthus leaves and an ornate carved decorative stem. There is also original drip pans for candle wax.
$2,450.00 – H530mm x W140mm – 23EA105
(Available to view at WORLD Wellington)
E – A single late 18th century Italian silver gilt pricket candlestick. Hand carved, circa 1780, the candlestick has a sturdy tripod base adorned with acanthus leaves , and a long carved decorative stem. There is also an original drip tray for candle wax.
$2,200.00 – H660mm x W225mm – 23EA102
F – A single early 19th century Italian bright silver gilt pricket candlestick. Hand carved, circa 1830, the candlestick has a sturdy tripod base with three feet, and is adorned with acanthus leaves and a long carved decorative stem. There is also an original drip pan for candle wax.
$1,950.00 – H690mm x W170mm – 23EA104
As above
Available to view at
60 Tyler Street,
Britomart Precinct,
Auckland 1010
Phone: +64 9 373 3034
Store hours:
Mon - Wed: 10am ~ 6pm
Thur: 10am ~ 7pm (late night)
Fri: 10am ~ 6pm
Sat: 10am ~ 5pm
Sun: 11am ~ 4pm
As above
21 Ariki Street
Grey Lynn, Auckland
Phone: 09 360 9858
Mobile: 027 414 0081
Mon – Fri: 10am ~ 6pm
Sat: On Request
Viewing by appointment
Mon-Fri: 10am- 6pm
Saturday : by request
Sunday: Closed
and stay updated on new arrivals
All prices are in NZD
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